evacuation chair manufacturers

Evacuation chairs are an essential tool for ensuring the safety and rights of disabled individuals in the workplace and public buildings. For individuals with mobility issues, evacuation chairs provide a means of safely and efficiently exiting a building in the event of an emergency or evacuation. This guide will highlight the importance of evacuation chairs, the responsibilities of employers, and the rights of disabled people in relation to emergency evacuation procedures.

The Importance of Evacuation Chairs

Evacuation chairs are designed to assist individuals with mobility limitations in safely descending stairs during an emergency evacuation. This is particularly important in buildings where elevators are not an option, or may not be available during an evacuation. Without evacuation chairs, individuals with disabilities may be unable to exit the building in a timely and safe manner, putting their lives at risk.

In the workplace, it is the responsibility of employers to provide a safe and accessible environment for all employees, including those with disabilities. This includes ensuring that adequate emergency evacuation procedures and equipment are in place to accommodate the needs of individuals with mobility limitations. Failure to provide such accommodations can put disabled individuals at a significant disadvantage in the event of an emergency.

Similarly, public buildings such as schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and government offices must also prioritize the safety and accessibility of all individuals, including those with disabilities. Evacuation chairs play a crucial role in ensuring that these buildings are inclusive and accessible to everyone, regardless of their mobility limitations.

Rights of Disabled People

The rights of disabled individuals are protected by various laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Equality Act in the UK. These laws require employers and public building owners to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including providing accessible emergency evacuation procedures and equipment. This means that evacuation chairs should be readily available in all workplace and public buildings to ensure that disabled individuals have equal access to safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.

By providing evacuation chairs and ensuring that employees and building occupants are trained in their use, employers and building owners can uphold the rights of disabled individuals and mitigate the potential risks associated with emergency evacuations.

Choosing the Right Evacuation Chair

When selecting evacuation chairs for a workplace or public building, it is important to consider the specific needs of the building and its occupants. Factors to consider include the number of floors, the layout of the building, and the specific needs of individuals who may require assistance during an evacuation. It is also important to ensure that staff members are trained in the proper use of evacuation chairs and that evacuation routes are clearly marked and accessible to all individuals.

In addition, regular maintenance and testing of evacuation chairs is essential to ensure that they are in proper working condition in the event of an emergency. This includes inspecting the chairs for any damage or wear, as well as testing the functionality of the chair on a regular basis.


In conclusion, evacuation chairs are a vital tool for ensuring the safety and rights of disabled individuals in the workplace and public buildings. By providing accessible emergency evacuation procedures and equipment, employers and building owners can uphold the rights of disabled individuals and ensure that they have equal access to safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. It is essential that employers and building owners prioritize the safety and accessibility of all individuals, including those with disabilities, by providing the necessary accommodations and equipment for a safe and efficient evacuation.


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